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Save More on Apparel With a

Wooter Sponsorship

Wooter Apparel empowers teams and athletes around the world by offering sponsorship packages that range between $250 - $10,000.

Sponsorship Application

How It Works

Help Promote Wooter

We are looking for organizations that have a stong presence on social media to help spread the message on Wooter Apparel.

Loyalty Rewards

If you have been consistently ordering with us or have ordered earlier you will be given a preference over others.

Get Sponsored

If you meet our criteria you can get sponsored for up to $10,000 worth of apparel & merchandise.

Save Tons on Gear

If approved, a Wooter Sponsorship can cover a huge portion of your overall apparel order.

Some of the organizations we’ve sponsored

Sponsorship Baseball
Sponsorship Football
Sponsorship Baseball
Sponsorship Basketball
Sponsorship Baseball
Sponsorship Baseball
Sponsorship Football
Wooter Sponsorship

Ready to save on apparel?

Wooter Sponsorhip